
Role of Sociology

Introduction to Sociology

Sociology plays an important role in concern to resolving various social and global issues. Primarily, it is studied on individuals about the society to develop a healthy and prosperous society. Moreover, it provides enhanced perspective towards the society using studying the roles of various institutions and forming a planned society. In this essay, a particular issue of gender discrimination has been taken into account and has been thoroughly discussed throughout the essay. Moreover, the social perspective of feminism, as well as its strengths and weaknesses of such perspective, have also been discussed. Therefore, it would provide deep insight regarding the major social issue and a thorough understanding of sociology.

Identification of a social issue:

The social issue exists in almost every part of the world. Somewhere the issue exists largely, somewhere a little less. This is a growing problem and needs serious actions to resolve such issue and plan for a better society. It is the prime responsibility of every individual to join hands together and come down to solve such problems of society.

In the recent scenario, gender discrimination has been keeping appearing, not only in one particular society however all around the globe. According to Collyer (2014), the modern era has become so advanced and enhanced that women and men are equally recognized as an important asset regarding businesses as well as other roles of society. Gone are days when men used to be considered as the superior in every term of society however in this modern era, women are no less than men in competing. In the recent analysis, it has been evaluated that women progress better than men regarding achieving goals in every prospect of life. Take it from any angle, from universities to workplaces and from boardrooms to government sectors; women prosper in every ground. This has seriously affected the positions of men and which led to a feeling of insecurities. Typically as well as in general men used to handle the leadership roles of any such sectors be it in the case of private or public (Schmitt et al. 2014, p.921). However, due to the given equal importance to women and acquiring the major positions of men has created a kind of insecurity and aggression.

Since last five years, the growing problem of gender discrimination has been coming into a picture from a particular society as well as globally. Harassing of women in workplaces by their co-workers or colleagues regarding productivity or else any uncertain failure at work is a major issue associated. The worst part associated with the harassment is passing or commenting evocative on sexual as well as making fun of them. Moreover, questioning inappropriately regarding their private life and on their looks is totally discriminating. According to a study in 2014, it has been reported that mothers in workplaces have experienced serious discrimination throughout pregnancy, parental leave and although on come back to their work.  Moreover, several mothers in such societies have specifically indicated that either they have been considered as unneeded or been discharged from work.

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No parental leave or any consideration has been given to them as per their requests. It has come to notice that in a particular society or nation, the average salary of women is just half as compared to men (Dubbelt, Rispens, and Demerouti, 2016, p.231). This, in turn, results in women faces as well as experiences a significant amount of poverty in their retirement stage. In several nations as well as societies around the globe has a growing issue of physical violence towards women of 15 years of age and above.  On the other hand, virtually in few cases, the issue of sexual attack comes into existence. It has been projected by several human rights commissions around the world that if some necessary actions have not been taken, then it may result in affecting a nation's economy. Such are disturbing as well as creating a negative impact on the social environment.

A social perspective on feminism:

With a perspective on a social issue that helps to identify the conflict and although find appropriate ways to resolve such issues. The feminist perspective has been considered as conflict theory by many research scholars and discovered it is much common with conflict theory. With the identification of a social issue of gender discrimination, feminism perspective would be applied to analyze such issue. Primarily, feminist perspective focuses on the sexual point of reference, economical category, and freedom.   It has been considered, as the feminist perspective comprises of three waves. The first wave of such perspective focused on the women sufferings and inequalities on the ground of politics. Later in the 60’s second wave had come into picture which has focused on liberation movement by women regarding preventing gender inequalities in workplaces, families and maternal (Edmondson and Luhtakallio, 2016, p.67). Recently, the third wave has been formed with prime focuses on globalization, structuralism, and modernism.

This social perspective is significantly related to the issue of gender discrimination and hence would be helpful to analyze such problem. With the perspective of feminism, it can be easily identified the sufferings of women in the society and their hidden emotions to tackle such problems in their daily lives. According to Green (2016) feminism sociology helps to scrutinize genders in its comparative to equality and spontaneous effect within a large society. A different perspective would give a diverse outlook on the issues that has been or intended to rise. To comprehend such issue and analyze the cause of that issue, it is essential to adopt a related perspective and view aspects as per the perspective. Gender discrimination is rising on a daily basis and as per the data analysis; it is clear that it is a growing problem and requires crucial action in its prevention. About the issue of gender discrimination in societies around the world, it is utmost importance to understand the cause of it. Men are often considered themselves to be the most superior in society as they live their life on practical aspects rather than fancies. Society always has stereotyped genders as per their interests and capability. For instance, a store layout in a shopping mall has different sections of items such as for girls and boys. The store department of girls would comprise of preferably ladies items such as kitchen toys, dolls, make-up items, fancy clothes, etc. Whereas, in the boy's section, it is common to find electronic pens, gadgets, video games, robots and construction toys.  This sets a clear idea of understanding gender stereotyping. However, marketers never strengthen gender stereotypes. The differences between men and women about their interests and desire have stretched a clear perspective women are of childish nature and weaker in compare to men. Moreover, the reservation of seats for women in public transportations has also set a perception among the society and men that they are weaker and requires massive support to survive (Thompson et al. 2016, p.7). This, in turn, has made it apparent that they are not fit in roles of leadership, services and entrepreneurship hence, considered as inappropriate and unfit.

Biases among men about their superiority and excellence in workplaces often led to domination to women. Moreover, the biological differences between men and women have also led to differentiating in context to their strength, power, and capability. Traditionally, women are being dominated in workstations, scholastic, and sports. Forsey, Low and Glance (2013) have stated that the enduring consequence of preferential treatment towards men and inappropriate behavior/actions towards women is the major grounds of gender discrimination.

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Strengths and weaknesses of feminism:

Lawler (2015) stated that feminism is a compilation of engagements and philosophy focused primarily in classifying, creating and safeguarding the equivalent cultural, political, financial, cultural and social rights of them. Feminism seems to have an effective and productive movement about preserving the social rights of women, however; there are several strengths and weaknesses of feminism. Becker and Bryant (2016) affirmed that to state the strength of feminism that has a massive influence on the women that led them to flourish in every field of achievement. Looking back to past years, feminism has been engaged in reinforcing as well as defending women rights within the society. Feminism has already been on track to resolve several arising issues of discriminations in concern to workplaces, leadership roles, and entrepreneurship. Domination by males in workplaces and around every aspect of social life is the prime factor in establishing this movement of feminism.


  • Feminism uncovers the dangers and consequences of patriarchy
  • It is considered as the powerful voice of women
  • It unites every woman in a society and joins the movement
  • It reacts quickly and safeguards the rights of every woman
  • It helps significantly in reinforcing women towards discrimination
  • Provides massive support to every woman around the globe and resolves all sorts of discrimination issues
  • Transforms the women society using motivation, enhancement, and reinforcement
  • Capability and readiness to cooperate

The strengths of feminism have a significant effect on the strengthening of gender discriminations well solving various issues of women in the social life. Feminism has solid grounds in raising voice against gender discrimination, sexual assault, and biases in several workplaces both in the case of private or government sectors. They have incorporated a state of cooperation where every woman of society are it in context to nationally or internationally (Durkheim, 2014, p.46). Women from every society around the world have faced as well as experienced end number of discriminations, especially in context to organizations. However, the formation of such movement called feminism has majorly helped the women of society regarding safeguarding their equal rights and necessities in the society.


  • Few women in the society feels or thinks that they are equal in everything regarding their physical appearance
  • Some women overuse their power of feminism and which creates  a negative impact on the social issues of gender discrimination
  • The perception of against male or anti-male has an adverse effect on the gender discrimination which defines to the society that feminism imposes unnecessary actions
  • As per the feminism perception, everything in social life would be equal to sex
  • Unnecessary consideration of harassment even if the opposite sex has done nothing to which it can be considered as harassment

Herbert (2013) affirmed that the weaknesses of feminism often arise when inappropriate and unnecessary actions or activities have been imposed to the opposite sex or towards the society. Feminism is of greater help and is very cooperative about the safeguarding of women rights and equalities. However, if there is an unneeded and false impose of discrimination, which would adversely affect the actions of feminism and towards its perspectives. Every perspective has its views and opinions in concern to its issues or benefits (Coppock, Haydon, and Richter, 2014, p.116). The outlook needs to be valid and to the point which would provide a better understanding of the issue and hence effectiveness towards solving the issue.


This is to conclude that social issues arise in every aspect of life hence it is necessary as well as needful to take significant actions to its prevention. Since gender discrimination is a growing problem in every society around the world, it is of enormous importance to resolve such issues at earliest. In concern to feminism, that has played a significant role in the society for women from every corner of the world. It has been clearly understood that social issue exists in every scenario of life however it is the prime duty of society to comprehend the problem and find possible ways to resolve it. The contribution that feminism has provided to the society is enormous and extremely helpful. It has majorly succeeded in resolving various violent as well as disturbing issues around the world. To understand the root causes and the impacts, it is of prime importance to acquire or adopt feminism perspective. With this, it can be clearly identified in context to gender discrimination and its issues, which often take place within the society. Therefore, understanding the concept of sociology and its various issues is majorly important which in turn would lead to joint engage in solving such problems at large. Moreover, any individual of opposite sex would find it difficult to understand the feeling and the disturbance in mind of getting offended and discriminated. Hence, it is suggested to adopt the feminist perspective and analyze issues precisely to understand the root causes and its effects.

Reference list:

  • Becker, H.A. and Bryant, C.G. eds., (2016). What has sociology achieved?. Springer.
  • Collyer, F., (2014). Sociology, sociologists and core–periphery reflections. Journal of Sociology, 50(3), pp.252-268.
  • Coppock, V., Haydon, D. and Richter, I., (2014). The illusions of post-feminism: New women, old myths. Routledge, pp.114-167
  • Dubbelt, L., Rispens, S. and Demerouti, E., (2016). Gender discrimination and job characteristics. Career Development International, 21(3), pp.230-245.
  • Durkheim, E., (2014). The rules of sociological method: and selected texts on sociology and its method. Simon and Schuster, pp.41-78
  • Edmondson, R. and Luhtakallio, E., (2016). Writing sociology, publishing sociology.
  • Forsey, M., Low, M. and Glance, D., (2013). Flipping the sociology classroom: Towards a practice of online pedagogy. Journal of Sociology, 49(4), pp.471-485.
  • Green, L., (2016). Understanding the life course: sociological and psychological perspectives. John Wiley & Sons.
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